
April 29, 2007

Had some time today to work on the site. Header with logo, some copy, sorting out page navigation. I’m feeling like a lazy gardener, tinkering with the this and that. I really need to get the bulk of the text in there, explaining the role and reason of the site.


April 19, 2007

Been working on the wiki this evening – trying to get the UI texts in. Decided to get this thing live without a pretty css. Serious alpha launch mode!

Quite liking the logo

April 10, 2007

Quite nifty aint it.

Finally I’ve gotten around to setting up Miracle Lyrical. It really is an experiment to see if everyone is willing to help liberatethe business of music making.

The plan is to stabilise a wiki application where songwriting can be done collaboratively and enable musicians to use the songs without complicated copyright nonsense.

I’ll try to keep my notes about the project up to date here. The main application is here. There’s a squidoo lens here. A flickr group which I hope songwriters use to photograph their notes and songs and share them with everyone, here. As it’s a music related project, there’s a myspace page here.

Meanwhile, I’m still hacking the wiki together. Hope to get it usable within the next few days.